Monday, May 2, 2011

Plant Seeds

Several weeks ago I entered a giveaway over at Infarrantly Creative for a gift certificate to the The Rusted Chain. Well I was one of the winners for her giveaway. When I checked the mail today (I love getting mail) my package from The Rusted Chain was waiting for me. This is what I got with my gift certificate.
You are probably thinking, “Why in the world would she get a necklace that says PLANT SEEDS on it?”.  I’ll tell you why. Even though I am not a  gardener or farmer (I just don’t have a green thumb)  my husband and I are Church planters and are planting the seeds of the gospel in our area. I think that this is a great conversation starter.  Thank you Infarrantly Creative for hosting this giveaway and for picking me as a winner. Also a big thank you to The Rusted Chain making such a pretty piece, you are so sweet. If you are looking for a gift for Mother’s day, you might want to take a look around at The Rusted Chain.


  1. ooohhh I LOVE IT!!! As Christians, we are called to plant seeds!!

  2. I love it, Tania and especially the meaning behind the words :)

  3. Getting pretty things in the mail is the best! That necklace is so sweet ;)
