Early one Friday morning about three weeks ago, as my husband opened the front door to leave for school I heard him shut the door and walk back into our bedroom. He had this look on his face and said to me, "We have another visitor at the door." I replied, "Another DOG?"
Let me go back to this past July to explain "another DOG". We heard something bumping around the front door and opened the door to find a dog that looked like it was close to death laying there. The dog had a collar on, but there were no tags with names or anything like that on the collar. This dog seemed like it was deaf, and could barely move. Chuck took a picture of it and went to Mr. Steve (one of our deacons, and he pretty much knows everyone in the community) to see if he knew who's dog it was. Well Mr. Steve said he didn't know and called the animal shelter to come pick it up. About forty-five minutes later the guy from the animal shelter shows up and walks towards the dog. He put a a leash on the dogs collar and tried to walk it to his truck, the dog was so weak he couldn't even stand up, so the man had to carry him to the truck. Fast forward about three weeks, Mr. Bill, an older gentleman in our community started asking around about his dog, (now Mr. Bill is Mr. Steve's older brother) and accusing another neighbor of doing something to his dog. Mr. Steve told Mr. Bill what happened so Mr. Bill went to the animal shelter and got his dog. Apparently his dog got out of the pen and had been missing for a few weeks and had gotten into a fight with some other dogs, so that explains why he looked so bad. But what we didn't know until after Mr. Bill got his dog back was that it was his prized
Breeding Dog. Needless to say when Mr. Bill got his dog back, the dog was half the man he used to be.
I got out of bed and went to see this "visitor". She was cute and very friendly, but we
do not need a dog. So Chuck left for school, I went back in the house and hoped that she would leave. After the kids and I had breakfast I told them about the dog, they of course were excited. I kept telling them DO NOT get attached to her. When Chuck got back home from his classes he started the search of finding who she belonged to. One of the first people that Chuck checked with about this dog was Mr.
Bill. He said "hold on, let me go check my pens." when he came back to
the phone he said, "all my dogs are here." Definitely didn't want a
repeat of what happened back in July. With no luck we put her in the back yard, (it is fenced in) and made a quick trip to the store to get some food for her. On Sunday Chuck put her picture up on the big screen to see if anyone in our little country church was missing their dog.
We still have her, and she now has a pretty pink collar and a name "Lady". Yes we got attached to her, something that I really didn't want to do, especially since I have allergies to dogs and cats. I just make sure that I take my allergy medicine everyday. She stays outside and loves to play and shows so much affection towards each one of us. Kaelyn has fell in love with this dog and is a wonderful "momma" to her.
There are two big dirt piles at the side of the house that Mr. Steve had dumped off. It has been sitting there for about six months. Our kids decided to get out there and play in it, so I let Lady out to go play with them. I love the picture of Lady peeking out of the hole. She had so much fun playing out there.
So I guess we are the owners of one fine "LADY".