Thursday, March 20, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

My #tbt goes back to the 2005-2006 school year. Kaelyn and I were looking through a box of "treasures" last week and we came across a little booklet her kindergarten teacher had put together and gave to us at the end of the school year.

There were several pages in this little book where here teacher would ask questions and she would write down Kaelyn's answers. (Her answers are in pink)  

The first one is: Introducing Kaelyn
  1. My favorite subjects are playing outside and playing inside with my baby dolls.
  2. My hobbies are arts and crafts.
  3. After school I go to my momma's room or go to Nanna's room. (my mom & I both worked at the school when Kaelyn was in kindergarten)  
  4. I wish I could fly.
  5. I would like to meet Molly. (Molly is a friend from pre-k that moved)
  6. Sometimes I am sad.
  7. When I am older I want to go visit people.
  8. My family is Great!
  9. I would like to visit Aunt Betty.
  10. The most important thing to me is God.  
  11. I am happy when Tyler makes silly faces.
  12. I do not like baked beans
  13. A great thing about me is I help people.   
 There were a few other pages, I will save those for another day. Here is a little peak of what they are though, My Daddy, My Mommy and How Does That Saying Go. We really got a good laugh from the last one. 

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