Sunday, October 4, 2009

Flowers... from a marvelous Creator

Often times we, actually I take things for granted. Just this past week as I was outside with my nephew Wyatt I looked around our yard and beyond, at all the trees, flowers, birds, clouds, and the sun and realized that I don't thank God enough for all that he has made. I am usually busy with something or in a hurry to get somewhere that I don't reflect on the beauty around me that was created by our Heavenly Father.

As I was going through some of the pictures that I took while on our vacation to Colorado this past summer, I came across some of the ones of flowers that I had taken. (My son Tyler still doesn't know why I always want to stop and take pictures of flowers). Needless to say, I love taking close up pictures of flowers and once again am reminded of what a great artist God is. Just look at the colors He used in making each of these flowers. It is amazing that no two are just alike. Each one is made special, just like each one of us.

Thank you Father for all that you have created. May I not take for granted the works of Your hands.

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